Friday, October 1, 2010

Fabric 'lady of the evening who gives it away instead of charging"

I was recently told that I was a fabric whore.  But that can't be true.  Impossible! I don't give it away!  I don't even sell it (yet). I whord.  I have a difficult time staying out of the fabric stores, online and offline.  I find myself sneaking bags of fabric into the house that I had previously purchased that had been stashed in the trunk of my car waiting until no one (read: hubby) was looking (Sorta like not letting him see me eating that third oreo after the 2 that he did see me eating in wonderful moderation).  I do use it. I sew, which is where this blog will most likely, eventually, evolve. But lately, I find myself whording items that might lend themselves to embellishment. I've got beads and tassles and charms and all sorts of things that might one day come in handy.

I have plans. Lots of plans. It just seems that every time that I plan on planting myself at a table to sew or craft something comes up.  Can you? Would you? Do you think you could? And of course,  those questions are from people I love so the answer is yes. Hopefully soon, I will disappear into my sewing room and emerge with armloads of items of creation.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Not Fit For Human Consumption...Yet.

You probably reached this place by clicking on my name commenting on someone else's blog and ended up here. You may want to pull into another driveway, back out and head in a different direction...for now. Nothing here yet.
I'm preparing to set up a blog and grabbed the name whilst I could (I tried about 2 hundred better names first...all taken).
I'm hoping to get to it soon between out of state company, my own traveling and well, life in general but nothing worthy of blog posting.

 Hmmm...  maybe a cooking blog?