Friday, October 1, 2010

Fabric 'lady of the evening who gives it away instead of charging"

I was recently told that I was a fabric whore.  But that can't be true.  Impossible! I don't give it away!  I don't even sell it (yet). I whord.  I have a difficult time staying out of the fabric stores, online and offline.  I find myself sneaking bags of fabric into the house that I had previously purchased that had been stashed in the trunk of my car waiting until no one (read: hubby) was looking (Sorta like not letting him see me eating that third oreo after the 2 that he did see me eating in wonderful moderation).  I do use it. I sew, which is where this blog will most likely, eventually, evolve. But lately, I find myself whording items that might lend themselves to embellishment. I've got beads and tassles and charms and all sorts of things that might one day come in handy.

I have plans. Lots of plans. It just seems that every time that I plan on planting myself at a table to sew or craft something comes up.  Can you? Would you? Do you think you could? And of course,  those questions are from people I love so the answer is yes. Hopefully soon, I will disappear into my sewing room and emerge with armloads of items of creation.

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